Contactless PT Beta Service!
Add ‘MYO HOME P.T.’ as a friend on KakaoTalk and start Contactless CMB PT!

Step 1.
Search for ‘MYO HOME PT’ on KakaoTalk and friend it!

Step 2.
Consult and make an appointment
Consult and make an appointment

Step 3.
Stand in front of MYO HOME!
Stand in front of MYO HOME!

1. Choose an exercise course provided by
a professional trainer on MYO HOME.

2. Select the designated exercise program from the professional trainer and enter your PT ID and password.

3. Begin your healthy lifestyle with
20 minutes of Contactless CMB PT guided
by a professional trainer.
- Contactless PT is a beta service and may be discontinued without prior notice.
- Please join within 5 minutes of the scheduled start time! (Example: for a class at 10:00, join by 10:05)
- Users who do not join after making a reservation will face penalties, such as being unable to make future reservations.
- Tardiness of more than 5 minutes will be penalized, and 3 tardies will be treated as 1 absence.
- Please cancel your appointment at least one day in advance.
- During the Contactless PT session, please refrain from inappropriate behavior, such as asking unrelated questions or disruptions.